With numerous Dancing themed TV gracing our screens these days, you and your kids might feel inspired to get your own dancing shoes on.…
2 Big misconceptions about Dance Fitness
This Monday 29th April is International Dance Day and what better way to celebrate it than tackling two of the biggest misconceptions out there…
Sweat more, stress less
Busy school run, long commutes, deadlines to meet, urgent emails just a click away, all whilst trying to keep the family running – modern…
Bump and grind: The dos and don’ts of exercising during pregnancy
Does exercise help in pregnancy and is it safe?
Focus on real time, not screen time
There is no doubt that iPads, televisions, phones and tablets are a God-send when it comes to calming/entertaining the kids.
Benefits of including yoga in your fitness regime
Yoga is a mind and body practice with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. Like other meditative movement practices used for health purposes, various…
Gym jargon buster: A quick A-Z guide to get you speaking the lingo
The first few sessions of anything new can be nerve-wrecking – especially when there’s new lingo, machines and equipment to, quite literally, get to…
Brrr….ring on the exercise: Tips for exercising in cold and icy weather
As the mercury continues to drop, you may be finding it harder to keep up your exercise routine. Colder weather means getting out and…
Commute your way to fitness
A hectic lifestyle and demanding family life are often blamed for a lack of exercise. And it’s true. For many of us, finding an…
Boxing training for fitness…biggest benefits!
With the start of 2019, and the inevitable resolutions to get fitter and healthier that come with the advent of a New Year, we’ll…