We’ve arrived at that time of year when the weather gets colder, days get darker and all we want to do is curl up under a blanket and hibernate until Summer. But that’s not going to happen this year – we’re here to help! We’ve put together a simple 3 step plan to help reignite your motivation and keep yourself active during the gloomy months. After all – Fitness is for life, not just for Summer.

Step 1 – Remind yourself of your goals

Just reminding yourself of why you started your fitness journey is so effective that you might not even need step 2 and 3 of our plan! Sit down and have a good think about what you want out of your fitness journey. Maybe you want to lose a little weight or build muscle or just get generally fitter and healthier. Whatever it is, you CAN achieve it with determination and consistency. Focus on your goals and use them to drive you. Writing your goals down can also really help and the feeling of ticking them off as you accomplish them is unmatched!

Step 2 – Create your POA

Now you’ve reminded yourself of what you want, you need to think about how you’re going to get it. Heading into the gym with a plan provides structure to your workout and eliminates time wasted wandering around trying to decide which exercise to do next. Write down your exercises before you head to the gym and walk in there feeling in charge of your session. All memberships with Life Leisure include a FREE Inspire programme which consists of meeting with a fitness coach, discussing your goals and creating a bespoke plan to help you achieve them (you can book your Inspire session at reception.) If you’re more of a group exercise fan and prefer having an instructor to spur you on, book your classes in advance to provide accountability. You could also give H1VE a try – Our boutique fitness studio based at Stockport Sports Village.

Step 3 – Make it fun!

Yes, exercise can be fun! All you need to do is find out which type of exercise you enjoy and incorporate this into your POA. If you hate cardio, don’t do cardio! If you love swimming, swim more often! It’s that simple. Exercising should be a hobby, not a chore, so don’t make it one. Enjoying your workouts is the key to longevity and will keep pushing you forwards even when motivation dwindles.


And finally, just a reminder that it’s also okay to curl up under a blanket and enjoy a cosy night in! Life is all about balance and if your body is telling you it needs a rest, then that’s what you should do. The important thing is that you get back on the horse and always keep your goals in mind.