We all know that exercise is important for physical and mental health, but did you know that regular work outs can actually improve your productivity and help you to work more efficiently?

While so many of us are working from home, it’s more important than ever before to make sure we’re getting enough physical activity. In fact, this could be the secret weapon you need to supercharge your working day.

The benefits underpinning healthy body, healthy mind

The physical benefits of regular exercise have been well documented, but many people are not aware of the myriad ways it can boost productivity and brain power.

  • Reducing stress and improving stress response – the current pandemic is causing increased anxiety for us all, but trying to manage work stresses on top of this can be particularly tough. Incorporating regular exercise into your daily quarantine routine, is an important tool for lowering stress levels and ensuring you are able to handle whatever work throws at you.
  • Improved memory and concentration – isolation can make us all feel like we’re not firing on all cylinders but getting moving can supercharge your brain to ensure you are getting the most out of your working periods.
  • Getting the creative juices flowing – physical exercise provides an important mental break. This can allow you to take a step back from the detail and come up with some fantastic out-of-the-box ideas when you return to your desk.
  • Mood boosting – getting those endorphins flowing can seriously improve your fire power at work, not to mention the day-to-day benefits of feeling great!
  • Building mental stamina – it’s not just physical stamina that is improved by regular exercise, you will be able to work more productively and for longer periods if you break your day up with well-timed work outs.

Turn that working week into a workout week

Juggling life in isolation with home working is certainly a challenge, but as a bonus you do have extra time. Here are a few ideas on how you can find the time to boost your daily exercise regime while working from home:

  • Cash in on the former commute – why not reallocate the time you used to spend commuting at the start and end of our day for regular exercise? It’s time you never had before so why not make the most of it!?
  • Diarise that exercise meeting – just as you would put a meeting into your diary, put some time for a workout into your diary and stick to it. The handy reminder will even serve to hold you to account.
  • Pump up your lunchtime – breaking up your day is important and lunch is a great time to get moving. Getting active at lunchtime can even help you beat the afternoon slump and maintain productivity throughout the day.
  • Get creative with home exercises – we’re all familiar with the office manager’s advice about doing leg exercises at our desks – but there’s far more exercise potential in our own homes. Perhaps you could set yourself a challenge – maybe to clean the kitchen in less than 15 minutes before your next call or meeting? Or could you sneak in some press-ups nobody will ever know about by turning the video off during an online meeting?
  • Fuel for brain and body – dietary choices also have a huge impact on our productivity, not to mention your energy levels for that next work out. Make sure you are providing your body with enough fruit and vegetables to keep your brain sharp and your head clear for a busy workday at home!

While we may all be limited to leaving the house only once a day for exercise at the moment – by making sure your workout regime is creative and less limited, you will provide a serious boost to your physical and mental health as well as your working day.